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The hbc journey program

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Training schedule to be announced soon...

2023 HBC Class Testimonials

I wanted to be a Clinical Psychologist but my father passed away shortly after I started class working towards my MA and PhD in Clinical Psychologist. I withdrew but always wanted to go back to reach this goal. However my passion in this work is working with the whole person. HBC has added to my skillset and allowed me to tap into my natural abilities to be a Heart Based Life Coach. ♥️


I am now more skilled in not just communicating but listening. Being curious when asking powerful questions and all that I have learned in this journey. I believe that this is part of my path and is in alignment with my purpose on this earth. It has improved my relationships that had been strained. I shifted my perspective and in conversations used the HBC tools. This unlocked so many elements of healing. I was able to be in a place where I could actually listen and I heard beyond what words shared. I was able to let go of years of hurt resentment and heal generational trauma. HBC is a way of life... my way of life. I can't wait to see where this opportunity takes me in coaching and how impactful I aim to be with my clients and community.

- Mianta McKnight

Heart-Based Coaching(HBC) Journey는 부모와 다른 성인을 대상으로 하는 양방향 온라인 워크샵입니다. 이 과정은 국제 코칭 연맹(ICF)의 교리를 따릅니다.
코칭, 커뮤니케이션 및 리더십 기술을 다룹니다.
다음은 몇 가지 문의 사항입니다.

What you’ll learn?

Coaching, Communication, Leadership, and Parenting Skills 


Learning HBC involves cultivating self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and deepening the connection to one's values, desires, and authentic self. It goes beyond purely rational thinking and encourages your students/children or clients to access their emotions, intuition, and inner knowing to make decisions and navigate their lives.


A Heart-Based Coaching Journey emphasizes creating a deep connection with oneself and living in alignment with one's heart's passion. It aims to support them in cultivating a sense of fulfillment, joy, and authenticity in their personal and professional lives.

Proudly following and upholding
the tenet of


A few Questions to ask yourself before getting started.

당신은 코칭에 대한 열정이 있습니까?

공인 라이프 코치가 되고 싶습니까?

새로운 직업을 찾고 있습니까?

재미있고 경험적인 학습을 중요하게 생각하십니까?

If you answer one or more inquiries, message us so we can keep you posted for our next Complimentary Life Coaching Class.

If you resonate with any of these situations,

program is tailored just for you. WELCOME!

  • Do you have some challenging loved ones and are thinking about how to facilitate the relationship effectively? 

  • Are you a parent who wants to learn other parenting strategies?

  • Do you want to have a part-time job? 

  • Are you a professional wanting to add COACHING SKILLS to your toolbox? 

  • Are you a community leader wanting to have leadership skills in engaging with diverse people?

  • Are you retired and looking for something unique to spark your life in a fulfilling way?

  • Are you considering building a LIFE COACHING business and becoming a CERTIFIED LIFE COACH?

  • I want to nurture my inner self to be strong inside and outside.

  • It's about time to honor my life purpose.

  • I embrace my work because time and location are irrelevant as long as I have my computer, phone, and internet.

  • I dream of becoming an independent earner and my Boss. 

  • I want to connect with people in other parts of the country or the world. 

  • I honor personal and professional growth. 

  • I value service by making a difference in the lives of others.

  • I yearn for a positive and supportive community in my personal and other areas of life.

What are the benefits that appeal to you pursuing LIFE COACHING?

  • The International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified all our HBC Trainers. ICF is the guild for all Coaches worldwide.

  • It is an interactive online workshop, a small class, with two Facilitators and a Zoom Manager in every session. 

  • The rate is low compared to other training schools. It includes an Orientation, seven Modules, three Individual Mentorships, a Group Mentorship, a Coaching Performance day, 24/7 online materials, and HBC Support On and Off Training.

  • It's feasible even if you are in school or working. In just seven weekends, for four hours each session, you will finish your certification in about two months. 

  • Post-training, there will be a once-a-month call to continue practicing HBC skills, learn marketing, and hear other coaching perspectives from coaches in different countries.

  • As long as you are part of the HBC Community, support is available from the Admin and other HBC members. 

  • We aspire that you would care and serve effectively as a heart-based person and Certified Heart-Based Coach (CHBC) wherever you are, from your home or neighbors to schools and the local community.

Why is our HBC Program unique?

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Please read some of the Testimonials on the website, and if you want to ask the people who have undergone the training, please contact any of them.

Life Coaching Training and Certification

(Certified Heart-Based Coach)

환영합니다. 이 수업은 당신을 위한 것입니다! 이 과정에는 7개의 모듈이 있습니다. 하루 4시간 동안 매주 한(1) 모듈.

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학부모, 교사 및 기타 전문가를 포함한 참가자에게 입증된 가치가 있는 프로그램인 HBC(Heart-Based Coaching) 개요.


HBC가 코칭에 필요한 모든 코칭 스킬을 A부터 Z까지 가르쳐드립니다!

강력한 질문하기 HBC의 첫 번째 기반은 APQ입니다. 

코치는 호기심이 있어야 합니다. 이를 수행하는 방법 중 하나는 개방형 질문을 하는 것입니다. 

청취; HBC의 두 번째 재단.


코칭을 할 때 듣는 3가지 방법이 있습니다.

헤드 기반,

심장 기반,

장 기반.

직관; HBC의 세 번째 재단.


개인을 코칭할 때 필수적인 기술입니다. 제6감을 연습하는 것은 고객을 존중하는 열쇠입니다.

마음챙김; HBC의 네 번째 재단.


코치로 탐색하는 방법에는 두 가지가 있습니다. 마음챙김은 누군가가 감정적으로 충전되어 있을 때 코칭에서 사용하는 기술이고 마음챙김은 생각, 감정, 신체 감각 및 주변 환경에 대한 순간적인 인식을 유지하는 것을 의미합니다. 연습을 통해. 

Acknowledgement, HBC의 다섯 번째 기반.


인간의 본질 전체를 보고, 듣고, 듣는 법을 배웁니다.

알리마 모델; 모델 및 기타 코칭 기술을 연습합니다.

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강력한 질문을 던집니다.





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ALIMA에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 수업에 참석하고 인증을 받고   권한 부여의 기쁨을 경험할 수 있습니다.

당신의 삶과 사람들의 삶!


아직 확실하지 않다면 지금 Heart-based Coach 중 한 명과 상담하십시오!

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